What is Return to Work?

What is return to work?  Return to work is a program that is designed to get an injured worker back on the job as soon as possible. It’s great for several reasons.

It Benefits Your Company Culture

First, it helps the culture of the company. A company that has a culture that genuinely values its employees and wants to get them back to work as quickly as possible is often considered an employer of choice.  If you have a return-to-work program, your people will value that.

It Benefits Your Experience Mod

Second, it helps you with your experience mod on workers’ comp. Claims in the State of Florida that are $17,000 or less and are medical only with no lost time are reduced by 70% in value when the unit stat cards get reported to NCCI for the calculation of the experience modification factor. To clarify, if you have a claim that’s $10,000 and none of that gets paid out in lost time, it’s all medical bills, that claim is reported to NCCI at $3,000 for mod calculation purposes.  The financial impact is a massive benefit to anemployer to have this return to work program in place so that they’re getting the discount on non-indemnity claims when they go into the mod.

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Return to Work Helps Fill Vacant Positions

The third thing that’s a huge benefit is you can fill a position you might have a hard time filling otherwise. I know a lot of our clients have call centers, and they have a challenging time getting people to take a job there.  What better place to stick somebody who got released for light duty than in a call center? It helps our clients fill a role that is vacant and needed. It reduces the value of the claim when it gets reported to NCCI if it’s kept at medical only, and most importantly, it helps the culture of the company. All three things are coming together in perfect symphony.

If you would like to learn more about how you can implement a return to work program in your organization, click the button below to download our free Return-To-Work Program guide.

No strings attached. We’re happy to help. We were such big believers in return to work that we want every company out there to implement it. Now, of course, if you have questions or you need assistance, we’re happy to be on standby to help you, but this is genuinely a free resource that we hope you’ll request and put to good use.

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David Carothers

 Commercical Insuramce

Kyle Houck

Kyle Houck

 Commercial Insurance


Grayson Carothers

 Personal Insurance

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